Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Barcelona's magic fountain

The magic fountain is not only AWESOME but it's also free! As most people say, it is a must see while in Barcelona. Be sure to bring your camera along!
According to Barcelona's tourist website: 
"The magic fountain of Montjuïc's (Font màgica de Montjuïc in Catalan) first performance was on May 19, 1929 during the Great Universal Exhibition. The magic fountain is a spectacular display of colour, light, motion, music and water acrobatics - if you mix these elements together in just the right combinations, you end up with pure magic! The magic fountain is a "must see" when you come to Barcelona and highly recommended."
According to trip advsior: shows run every 30 minutes and last for 15 minutes. For the current schedule, go to the Magic Fountain website