Wednesday, September 16, 2015


I thought that before I continue to share my life here on this new blog, it would be a good time to share what is on my heart and my fears when it comes to having a travel/lifestyle type of blog. 

So, I have a deep rooted fear of coming off as bragging about my travels. I worried about it so much that it kept me from keeping up my last blog and taking so long to start this one. 

I read only a handful of blogs. I have 3 bloggers I have kept up with religiously for years and I often think of why it is that they are able to post photos from their amazing, fashionable, travel filled lives and not come off as bragging. Instead of feeling jealousy, they inspire me to live a beautiful life as well. They are living their dreams and every day to the fullest and simply sharing their passion for beauty and the things they find joy in! 

Bloggers just post things that are special to them, things they find inspiring and things they want to remember. It is a place to post happy snippets of their life. Rather than on a site like Facebook, choosing to post on a blog is such a creative outlet which allows photo quality to not be compromised and a story to be told. What's the big difference between the rest of the world who posts on Facebook and those who choose to do so on a blog? Why should I feel so fearful of the judgement of deciding to blog my travels rather than post them exclusively on "social media"?

I often wonder what the difference is when a woman who has chosen to live her life being a mother in her twenties and posts pictures of her kids and a woman who has chosen to travel in her twenties and post photos of her travels is? Perhaps it doesn't appear this way to others : but without a doubt I have chosen this type of insane, traveling life for myself over the typical path of a serious "successful" career, kids and marriage. This is MY life. So, instead of posting pictures of my kids, I post pictures of my travels. Should I feel bad and like I am "bragging" because I have given up the traditional path for now? 

Should one be considered braggish? I wonder, Is there a way to share images you feel are special without coming off as bragging? 

Does it come down to the beholder of the photographs and their personal longings? No one can evoke jealousy without the person who is envious having a desire in the first place for what the other person has. Maybe jealousy uncovers a deep rooted desire you didn't previously know you had. Maybe it's a way life opens our eyes to a journey we need to take to get to what the object of your desire may be.

I ask this question on jealousy because I was caught in a deep, dark bout of jealousy and depression that lasted so much longer than it needed to and should have. I realized, finally, that no one really cares if you are sad so stop the pity party and TAKE ACTION to pull yourself out of your current state and into a new life YOU can be proud of. Spend less time observing others live their dreams and find a way to live your own. I decided what brought me the most joy and made me feel most alive and grateful was travel. So, I filled my life with it.
I would love to hear your thoughts on why some people come off as bragging while others just want to share beautiful images and have a way of documenting experiences and arouse in others the desire to take action to live a life packed full of epic moments.

Below are some images from aboard the ship (great, now "The Good Ship Lollypop" song is stuck in my head....) I REALLY wonder what YOUR thoughts are on blogging and bloggers after reading this post and would love to hear what you think. Please even direct message me if you don't want to post publicly! I would so appreciate hearing your opinion.