Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Life lately...

A few snippets from my day to day life while I am not on a work trip or traveling!
 Taken in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
 The photo above is from a recent run to the beach. I often times become almost obsessive about different types of exercise and spend weeks devoted to one particular type, This past month, I was obsessed with running. I ran to and from the beach almost everyday I was in Fort Lauderdale last month. It is 2 miles each way which is a perfect distance for me and I would normally do my daily meditation at the beach before running back.
 Dave and I have been spending time working on our sweet little home lately. We both love simplistic white spaces which is awesome because it certainly helps having similar taste when choosing what we want to add to the place! I will share photos of it when it is all complete.

 I finally bought my own Matcha powder and have been making Matcha lattes at home. If you don't know about Matcha, you should! The health benefits are out of this world. I feel so healthy after drinking a cup. :)
 When Dave isn't in town, I use my bike as transportation. He got it for me for Valentines day and it is seriously the best present ever. I love how mobile I can still be just with my bike! The neighborhood we live in is very bike-friendly with everything we need nearby. It has been awesome to spend so much more time outside in the fresh air and biking to errands have made them seem more fun and less like a chore.

 From Fort Lauderdale beach after a very windy evening run.

Check out this gorgeous hibiscus plant we bought for Dave's tiny backyard we cleaned out.

 My brother and his girlfriend visited us 2 weeks ago. It was a blast having them here! We played beach volleyball, grilled out and went stand up paddle boarding. I am so looking forward to them visiting again in a few months!