Dave and I found out with a few weeks notice that we had about a week and a half off of work that overlapped in May so we decided to plan a trip abroad. Normally this is pretty easy but for a few reasons choosing where to go this time around was quite a challenge. We both missed Europe so we decided it would be a good chance to make it over there once again. May is a great time to visit Europe since the students are not yet on summer holiday and although it isn't summer weather, most countries are still warm enough to spend lots of time walking around and exploring by foot.
Choosing Europe was easy but deciding on where exactly to go was tough. Every place we looked into ended up not being ideal. We would chose on a country, start planning and realize it wasn't going to work for whatever reason.
All of this research was happening while Dave was at home in Florida and I was on a work trip which consisted of some crazy hours. When I finally got home the night before we hoped to leave, I was exhausted and devastated that we still had no plans whatsoever! So many hours spent looking up Morocco, Portugal and the Greek Islands and so many days off and nothing yet planned! Dave, being the fabulous planner he is took matters in his own hands...
Our conversation when we finally decided on London sounded something like this:
Him: How about London tomorrow night? The flight load on Virgin Atlantic is wide open.
Me: Sounds good.
The next few hours was a complete blur: unpack. laundry. eat. sleep for a few hours. workout. re-pack. shower. head to the airport in a frantic rush and miss the free shuttle which would take us to the train which would take us to the airport in the next city over. pay 20$ for a 10 minute cab ride as a result of missing said free shuttle. go thru security, hop on a plane and just like that we were in England with very little sleep and 0 plans. Ha!
Somehow, it all worked out fabulously. Here are a few snippets of our 8 days there. More to come!