EVERYONE feels down once and a while but it is important to remember that it is on YOU and no one else to get yourself out of a slump.
Heck, I went thru a period of depression a few years back that was so bad I never thought I would see the end of it! One thing I learned from this time in my life was that no one was going to come on a white horse and save me. Sorry kid, but if you are feeling out of sorts you can complain all you want but all that is going to do is make the issue worse. Also, you better take some action ASAP to get yourself feeling better before this feeling spirals and only gets worse. I see a lot of long posts on this topic but when I feel down, I don't want to read some long, scientific post on how to get happy. So, here are my favorite simple and FAST ways to bounce back from a bad mood!
1.) Make a cup of tea while you read this post. Make it special and add some honey and (almond!) milk. Savor every sip. Smile.
4.) Get active
5.) Set some goals and make plans to make them happen. Then take one small step towards acheiving a goal before doing anything else!
6.) Meditate. Headspace is great app to learn how!
7.) Go to a bookstore
8.) Look at pictures from happy times and remember that before you know it, you will be feeling just as happy once again. Promise.
9.) Write a list of at least 10 things you are grateful for, and actually FEEL the sense of gratitude.
10.) Watch some standup comedy on youtube or netflix. Bill Burr and Ali Wong are my personal faves
11.) Be a tourist in your own city
12.) Write a letter coming from your future self to your current self explaining how you fixed the situation, what it taught you and how you now stand victorious on the other side feeling strong and confident.
13.) Buy yourself fresh, beautiful flowers for at least 2 rooms in your house.
14.) Watch The Secret on Netflix
15.) Read blogs or watch youtubers talk about how they overcame the situation you are facing
16.) Find a beach or an outdoor pool and go swimming if it is summertime, and if it is winter find an indoor pool!
17.) Make yourself a big, delicious meal and savor every bite.
18.) Read up on mindfulness and practice one small act being completely mindful.
19.) Take a nap!
20.) If all else fails, don't forget that there is 0 shame in seeing a shrink. Most people go thru an episode of the blues or an event that is extremely hard to get over at some point in their life without some professional help. Instead of always talking to your friends about your problems and perhaps bringing them down too, talk to a professional who is trained to listen to you and help you solve your problems by yourself!