Thursday, June 16, 2016

A travel show you really should watch

“If you’re twenty-two, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel – as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them – wherever you go.”― Anthony Bourdain

You really should watch Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown which has 6 seasons available on Netflix.It is the one show that has the power to transport me to that blissful, exciting feeling travel gives me. I love all the off beat details the show films. It documents little moments that are equally gritty and beautiful. The show reminds me that something doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful. 
A draw of travel for everyone is all the new stimuli. When you travel, you experience something out of the "ordinary" at every turn. Different sights, smells, tastes, sounds. Every sense is awakened as it is shown something different. Parts Unknown does a wonderful job at documenting these tiny new details that travel brings into your life in such a lovely way.

The show also helps to take away the romanticism of places. It does this by showing the good right along the bad instead of showing all the famous areas of a city in a perfect light like most travel shows tend to do. No where is perfect. This fact is a very healthy thing to remember for someone who has a case of wanderlust as bad as I do. It reminds me that I must feel grateful for the here - wherever that may be at the moment, I must live fully every second of my life rather than day dream about better tomorrow's somewhere that isn't here. Here has beauty and flaws and there has beauty and flaws but it's all wonderful because that's life. No matter where I daydream about traveling, it will never be any better than the place I sit now.

I hope you check out Parts Unknown and agree that the videography is beautiful and find learning about the little unknown aspects of different cultures as fascinating as I do! He also has more great travel guides available here. I don't have T.V. so it is somewhat rare that I choose to spend my limited time on earth watching a show rather than out making my own memories but this one really is just the tops.