Thursday, July 7, 2016

Why traveling abroad is important

It makes you realize what is important in life

When you travel abroad, you cannot bring all this JUNK that you own. All this physical clutter really fogs your mind. When you travel, you can only bring the essentials and I guarantee that you will realize that the essentials are all you really need. Not only are they all you need, but you will be so much happier with just the essentials because you see the world for what it is clearer when the stuff is subtracted. You see so many things that make you happy and realize that it isn't about what you OWN that makes you happy. The things you own will never fulfill you. Getting out there and LIVING your LIFE is the ticket to true happiness and worth.

It builds confidence

Traveling abroad helps you realize you CAN do it on your own. When you are in a foreign country and you don't understand a word that anyone is saying but you still can get where you need to go and are able to take care of everything, you gain a sense of confidence unlike any other feeling in the world!

You connect to the truth that we are all one

I know this sounds hippie, dippy but I don't care because it is true. Traveling abroad helps you feel connected to everyone, everywhere! You realize that no matter how different cultures and your countries ideologies may be, ALL human beings core desires are the same. All human beings have the same needs deep down to be loved, accepted and connect to others. I believe that traveling abroad makes you see that all people deserve to be loved and that we must accept everyone where they are at because if YOU were born in a different country, your values would be the same as these others peoples are. We must break down the hate of others because they are "different" and remember that we are the same deep down. Traveling abroad proves this fact.

It helps you to develop skills you otherwise cannot develop

Going out to get a meal in a foreign country brings up challenges that you just don't face in your own country. When you face "challenges" you grow. As stated above, you build confidence. You build better social skills and develop ways of connecting with other people when you are outside of your comfort zone and you can't rely on other people or your native language to help you out.

You realize every little thing is gonna be alright

When you travel, you allow yourself to be open to the possibility of things going wrong. You lose control and many times, things happen that are completely outside of your control. However, every thing always works out just fine. Things fall into place and letting go of control is one of the best things you can do when you travel and when you are home. Let go of the stress of always needing things to be a certain way you think they should be in your head. Often times the alternative route is so much better then you can even imagine and if something crappy happens, you will grow and learn from it and use it as a lesson.

You learn to live in the moment

With so much new stimuli going on all around you when you travel, it teaches you to connect with WHAT IS in THIS moment and see the beauty all around you. This lesson is something that has stuck with me while I am at home and is one of my favorite lessons that travel has taught me. Everything is special all the time because you are a breathing, living human being and a force of nature! YOU, reading this right now are ALIVE. There is ALWAYS something to find beautiful because you are alive. No matter if you are home or traveling, be grateful and make every moment beautiful.