Although I knew the importance and freedom that comes with living with less clutter, it was hard to tackle all of the piles of worthless things I had acquired throughout my lifetime after returning to America. It was not until I read "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up" by Marie Kondo that I could tackle the STUFF that was keeping me from living my best life. This book is the best. It shares a simple, effective way to banish clutter forever and the method the book outlines truly works.
When I moved into Dave's tiny apartment in Fort Lauderdale, he surprised me with a HUGE, gorgeous armoire he got for free off of Craigslist! He truly is the Craigslist master. The woman he picked it up from told him she spent 1,000 on it but needed it out. It took Dave and his brother ages to carry the massive, solid piece of wood furniture to his truck and get it into his room. The woman had used it for her T.V. so Dave and I went to Home Depot to find shelves for him to install for my things.
This piece of furniture was the final push I needed to live my life according to the rules I learned in the book, I am so proud to say that all I own is able to fit in this armoire! I do have a few articles of clothing that I got from my travels that I left in Wisconsin at my parent's home - but other then those, it feels INCREDIBLE to live with only things that bring me joy! Plus, as we pack up to move into our new home on wheels - a 23 ft camper - moving will be a breeze.
For anyone who is interested in living a less cluttered life, I recommend reading "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up" as soon as possible! I also love the idea of using an armoire if you are living in a small space with another person. I will miss this beautiful piece of furniture after we move in a few days!