This is a throw back trip post! I didn't want these photos to get lost. A wonderful trip with my best friend and Dave over a year ago.

Montego Bay was so much fun and so beautiful! Because it was so last minute, we had no expectations. When you don't have any preconceived ideas about how a trip should be, you are up for whatever comes your way and it makes it just that much better. Dave ended up finding a great deal for an all inclusive resort for a few days a day or two before we went. I think we finalized our plans at 5AM the day of with a flight to Jamaica on standby later that morning! My sweet long time friend and former roomie Lauren flew to Florida from the Midwest. She wasn't sure if we would stay in Florida or be able to go to Jamaica until right before. I am so grateful for this friendship. She is always down to meet up in crazy places and do fun, new things but has her priorities straight. She understands me and I am just so happy she has kept me around in her life even though I am literally always all over the place!

Now for a sappy love story...
This trip holds a special place in my heart because I can remember the exact moment I started falling for my man. It started raining while we were swimming at our resort out to this huge trampoline in the ocean. Lauren went to nap and Dave and I talked and laughed and enjoyed the beauty of the rain when some people would be upset about it. We stayed on that trampoline in the rain and talked and then headed to the hot tub to talk some more. I knew that if he wasn't there, sitting in the hot tub in Jamaica while it was raining all alone wouldn't have been fun at all. It was so nice to meet someone I really enjoyed talking to as well and I never felt like I needed a break from.I started to trust this sweet guy I just recently met. I started to let myself see the possibility of a wonderful future not doing almost everything by myself. We just seemed to flow so well on this trip which is something very rare when traveling with another person. I was used to feeling like it was always a bit of a struggle when traveling alongside someone else because you always had to work together to coordinate every moment to something that you both wanted to do. Not with Dave. We just "click" and almost always want to do the same thing at the same moment. It just works and I love that.
He was so helpful in planning every detail of the trip last minute and so protective of us during it. I think this trip is where I finally started to let go of control being a single girl traveler. I was used to having to stand up for myself on the road with my guard up but with Dave along, I started to let my hair down and let someone else take over and started to really enjoy having someone there to take care of me. I also started to realize the beauty in having someone to share these traveling memories with. There is something beautiful in solo travel, but having Dave around to share these places and memories with is twice as nice.
He has been the absolute perfect travel partner. I can't imagine how many beautiful moments the past 2 years I would have lost and how different my life would be now if I didn't give him a chance. It is crazy to think about going anywhere now without him by my side to share the adventure with. I don't know how I lucked out with him. He just makes me feel like the luckiest girl ever and I am so, so grateful to have someone to spontaneously travel this beautiful world with. ;) xx